In ArcGis software, we can create the drainage from DEm but we have to provide a basic drainage layer. I was just curious to know if there is any such model through which we can generate the drainage of an area only with the DEM in ERDAs IMagine?
we can also use aster DEM to create drainage layer as it is also of more resolution than SRTM provided in the cgiar website which has resolution of 90 m. At times the major drawback with the aster DEM fails in the way as to which algorithm has been used for the "fill" command in the ArcHydro tool in ArcGIS. If proper algorithm is provided for the Aster DEM data also then the drainage extraction from this data can provide better results than any other DEM data of less resolution. In SRTM the algorithm used for "Fill" command has given a better result for drainage delineation.
The Archydro tool in ArcGIS can carry out this task i believe you can download it from ESRI's website. I also know you can do it on grass i believe there is a free tool which mirrors Archydro. you may also get more options in Grass since it is open source.
I agree with Biswajeet and Craig on ArcHydro tool in ArcGIS. You can also try the hydrology tools in ArcGIS directly, but it does have less options than the ArcHydro.