There are many platforms that provide hosting services for software developers(e.g. Atlassian's Bitbucket, Github) for free, many open-source projects are hosted on these platforms and the data related to development process of these projects including commit histories, pull logs, number of contributors, etc are all available to the public; Some projects get extremely popular(for instance, a project has received many likes in Github), For example Docker(https://github.com/moby/moby; The original repository has been renamed to Moby), Now I'm asking, What are the features that popular open-source software project artifacts might have in common which makes it probable to predict that a particular project on Github, for instance, is going to be popular?
For instance:
- Does choosing a particular programming language helps?
- Do project need reach a minimum number of contributors? or a certain tipping point?
- Does a popular project always have a small dedicated team of core developers committing 24/7?
Do you know any previous research done on a similar problem?