33 Questions 105 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hassan Abedi
Hi, There are many platforms that provide hosting services for software developers(e.g. Atlassian's Bitbucket, Github) for free, many open-source projects are hosted on these platforms and the...
03 March 2018 6,839 7 View
Hi, Does anybody know any method(or research done) to detect a fake user in a website like Twitter or LinkedIn; by "fake user" I mean an account which its user is not a human being and can be a...
06 June 2016 5,929 11 View
Does anyone know a fast method to decompose a biconnected graph, into probably overlapping clusters?, as you may know, a biconnected graph is a graph without any articulation nodes. any...
04 April 2016 7,087 4 View
There are so many proposed centrality measures; like Between-ness or Degree or PageRank, etc; as you may know they're used mostly for mapping a real value number to a node/edge as a notion of...
05 May 2015 1,268 0 View
consider you've got X that follows heavy-tailed distribution(for instance its values are following Pareto distribution), so how could one tell where does actually the heavy tail start from? btw,...
04 April 2015 6,383 6 View
say you've got a huge graph with millions of edges and nodes and want to transform it into a smaller graph losing some edges and also some nodes, it could be still big but more manageable in size...
04 April 2015 2,440 12 View
Does anybody have the code for PageRank-Nibble algorithm preferably for Python or Java? i've got SNAPY and NetworKit(a really interesting tool) and Graph-tool(it's very fast) and NetworkX(it's...
03 March 2015 2,478 8 View
do you know of any research papers{since 2012 and upwards preferably} in fields of Data Mining and Machine Learning in general that the researchers may have put both the data and the...
02 February 2015 8,511 4 View
I mean, in your opinion what attributes (in this particular case terms or topics ) in users messages are more important to consider while building a model for clustering users into different...
01 January 2015 9,290 11 View
I wanted to see what are the algorithms proposed to the day to handle {detect communities or clusters of densely interconnected nodes} large graphes with millions of nodes and edges, any resources...
01 January 2015 7,507 6 View
i think sometimes i don't think or reason critically and analytically enough about issues that are of great importance to me, the problem is i think that most of the times i may not even be aware...
01 January 2015 1,522 12 View
please state your rationale, +any comparative material is appreciated.
12 December 2014 1,237 4 View
Does anybody have the MATLAB/Simulink codes/model files to simulate the process of locating faults in high power transmission lines using wavelet transform?, I'm trying to help a friend with his...
12 December 2014 803 2 View
I've got a huge similarity matrix(more precisely it's about 30000x30000 in size, and it's not a sparse matrix) now I wanted to see that what is the most efficient way I could cluster its data...
12 December 2014 7,187 19 View
Is anybody aware of researches around Big Data and use of GPUs(exploiting their parallelism) to solve related(Big Data) challenges? I'm just curious, could you enlist some criteria which may be...
11 November 2014 2,674 4 View
i was reading an article from "The European Physical Journal B" the other day and i found out both formulae which the rest of paper is based upon are flawed, i double checked, now i'm not sure is...
10 October 2014 3,377 1 View
I wanted to measure trust between users, mostly neighbours; if there are measures based on social network graphs metrics then could you provide me with some please, thanks in advance.
10 October 2014 1,551 9 View
where can I find data-sets for messages sent from users to other users of online social networks?; the data-set should at least indicate WHO sent WHAT to Whom at When; say i have a csv file like...
10 October 2014 676 14 View
I'm trying to find out how to make a sentiment dictionary for non-English languages like Farsi & Arabic, because as I know there is no SD available so far for many languages. By the way, is...
10 October 2014 9,572 8 View
i mean in context of complex systems; could you provide with some examples?
09 September 2014 5,983 1 View
i always wander is there a limit to what that we could learn in a life time? how could we manage new information as we obtain new and naively-irrelevant info or knowledge? i mean regarding the old...
09 September 2014 7,182 8 View
I want to know how could i represent a graph using a string; i mean the string should contain all the information to reconstruct the graph(not exactly the original one if it's not feasible but...
09 September 2014 3,581 15 View
actually i wanted to figure out -considering a undirected graph(G) and a vertex from G (v) plus v's neighboring vertexes(Nv)- how could i map members of Nv to cells(or cell regions) of a two...
08 August 2014 1,955 7 View
How can I increase the number of people reading my questions in ResearchGate so that assuming that the majority knowledge usually is better than even of experts, I could answer generally better?...
06 June 2014 6,285 4 View
I've already read The Black Swan by N.Taleb, so don't throw it at me please, so far i couldn't find a good introductory book about DKe then i thought maybe someone has a clue. Thanks in advance.
06 June 2014 734 2 View
How can I collect tweets produced over some period of time, say in two weeks for few specific users in twitter for example? Is there a microblogging website with over a million users that will let...
06 June 2014 7,195 4 View
I'm reading a book called "Probably Approximately Correct" by Leslie Valiant, actually I'm on page 48 now and haven't got a tangle sense of what exactly the author means by the term "ecorithm" so,...
06 June 2014 5,730 4 View
More in the sense of cloud computing.
06 June 2014 4,131 9 View
I mean how do they talk over shared memory? Is there a hardware kind of facility?
05 May 2014 5,963 8 View
Is it possible at all? Is there such a tool for high level languages like C++ too?
05 May 2014 7,376 1 View
How to pre-process code written for a high level language to be compiled better for parallelism on parallelizing compiler?
05 May 2014 5,979 10 View
Is there a A* implementation for nvidia gpus? Or a Library for HPC stuff on GPGPUs at-least? Some real life parallel algorithms implemented on them would be good too.
05 May 2014 4,336 6 View
I'm trying to write a report and I need some hot topics/applications to emphasize. Does anybody also know about the particularly active area of research in Complex Networks?
02 February 2014 3,759 3 View