This is a matter of cultural cross-fertilization: how far can it be effectuated? What are the new hybrid creations forged in Britain and accepted by mainstream British culture?
Yes you are right. British culture in itself has such a diversity of peoples and influences. Celtic, roman, angle saxon, norman, and Viking. The diversity has been a fortress of its contribution and strength. The influence of West African peoples taken to work the cane fields provided another new world melting pot. In the Carribbean the power of African beat and rhytmn combine with English folk tunes and the new music of blues and rock combine with folk musics and return to old world root as a new discovery. The most fierce tribes of the Ameri Indians were Caribes who dominated the area of Venezuela and spread through the less Antilles is warring canoes which took men captive as food and intermarried with the more peace Arawak Indians of Greater Antilles. When fugitive African workers escaped from can plantation they joined forces with remnant Caribes forming the feared Caribbean Super Race hybrid. The British Overloads were so fearful of this group that the transferred them into Guatamala and gave them the dominon of Belize so as not to be war with with hybrid people who were resourceful and contended for their survival. Hybridization is natures way of adapting to changing environments. The mixtures of ideas and people are unavoidable. In the systems of slavery both the masters and the servants are ones most changed.
Checking the term hydridize it means to cross and bred different races and varieties. In this human case the Great Britain population would be largely Caucasian and the carribean inputs would have significant African racial roots. As such the use hybridization is probably correct. People have challenged the concept of race but it does have some wide acceptance. Hybridization in some definition talks about crossing of different species in the case of Caribbean and Great Britain populations it is clear we talking about one single human species with no barrier to intermarriage and fruitfulness. Genomic studies would put the origin of humankind in Africa based on maximized genetic diversity displayed there. The common origin has branched off into different groups with their own common characteristics. Could you explain how exactly you think hybridize could be an exploited term.
If I understand your question very well, this already happened. From a linguistic point of view, the pidgin language that exist in this region is a consequence of hybridization of languages. This phenomenon can also be found in the religion, music, and culture of Caribbean people, though more prevalent in some islands than others.
I agree with Ademolawa Michael Adedipe. I am also conscious that there are various concepts of hybridization. But to make it not too difficult, if we take hybridization as a concept alluding to the mixing of two or more languages, cultures and religions, I agree with Adedipe.
I do agree with this open conception of hybridization, which highlights cultural and linguistic aspects. Now if the political context is to be mentioned, one can wonder what conception of multiculturalism will prevail in Britain after the Brexit ...