Yes, the candle jar method can be used for the bacterial culture of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The candle jar at right has 3-5% CO2 and 8-10% O2.
A few points who may want to know.
When you set a candle jar, use a big tin that can be closed tightly. Wet a clean tissue paper with tap water to humidify atmosphere. Place it next to the plate(s) or underneath the plate. The candle that is used in a candle jar should be thick, white, odorless, and smokeless because the burning of colored and scented candles may produce substances that may be toxic to gonococci. Close the lid carefully and do not move the jar for 10 minutes. A properly burning candle in a closed jar will utilize oxygen and produce a 3% CO2 atmosphere, and humidity will be provided by the wet tissue paper.
You may store the plates in the candle jar inside the incubator which is at 37°C without CO2. Then later, you will have to remove the plates from the candle jar and transfer to 37°C incubator with humidified atmosphere containing 5% (v/v) CO2 after you have reached the laboratory. This must be done as soon as possible.
, it is not for 24 hours! The plate may be placed in the candle jar for not more than 5-7 hours. During this time, you may place the jar containing the plate in an incubator without supply of CO2 but maintained at a temperature of 37 degree C, after which you will have to transfer the plate to the CO2 incubator (maintained at 5% CO2 and 37 degree C with a humidified atmosphere ) for the rest of the time i.e., 24-48 hours. I hope this clears your doubt!
This method is usually applied when one has to transport the samples.