Suggest a framework for an adaptive IWRM to coordinate management and development of water resources, land, and environmental resources aimed at maximizing the social and economic benefits without impacts on the ecosystems with x-valley
Please find our book (DOI: 10,13140 / RG.2.1.3501.1926) which was devoted similar problem. Best regards!
Data Multi-Criteria Decision in Nature Resources Use (english version)
For socio economic studies SPSS can be used by doing Questionnaire survey in study area. The other periodic development of water resources, land, and environmental can be identified using LU/LC map....
Find a way to involve all stakeholders in real sense. No water project would succeed without people's support whatever money Govt. spends... Generally this item is not given primary importance although mentioned everywhere..
Dear Lina! In real your question is a verbal statement of the profit optimization problem between enterprises and community within nature. Simultaneously the environmental monitoring parameters would remain within the permissible limits, which are set by the government. This problem has been solved by an international team of researchers in parallel for two river basins in Belgium and Russia (please find the paper on RG with the title "Information support of optimizing the use of water funds based on the European Water Framework Directive". Anyway serious approach would been based on simulation of financial flows within framework of environmental management.
Dear Lina, the suggestion of a framework should be based on your assumption; what I mean by assumptions, is that; you are considering what are the variables are interacting with each other or pertaining the integrated water resources management, such as climate pattern, policy of government, economic, social, land use exploitations, investment opportunities, available water resources, perhaps life style and so on ...