Particle Filled GFRP comprises of a unique class of hybrid composites gainig popularity these days. They have applications in automotive and aerospace industries.

However, phenomena governing their development and processing is fairly complex due to involvement of number of interacting systems and is not fully understood. 

General principles of thermodynamics describing polymer system do not apply to them fully.

As a part of my PhD research, I require data and detailed discussion about formation, thermodynamics, phase transformations and kinetics of multi component these systems specially addressing issues related to 

- Phase transformations

- Strengthening / toughening mechanisms

- How can strengthening of these systems be explained till certain point (wt.%) and then decrease beyond that? 

I have found one group in Silesian University of Technology, Poland lead by Prof. Jozef Stabik who have done substantial work on these system but not been able to find others. (I still have not be able to establish contact with them though!)

Some up to date literature and group contact would be highly appreciated.


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