12 December 2016 5 9K Report

Basically, we used RAPD to determine the genetic variation of species from two different populations.

In which genetic variation is opposite of genetic similarity.

 Numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system (NTSYS-pc) software Version 2.1 is commonly used to generate the dendrogram for RAPD.

 The dendrogram was generated based on the similarity coefficient only.  The version 2.1 does not ask me whether I want to calculate based on genetic variation or genetic similarity. So it straight away produce the dendrogram by calculating genetic similarity.

 Someone told me that the dendrogram generated based on similarity coefficient is not appropriate/ VALID. Because RAPD is used to determine genetic variation only!

But I have search through many research papers, many paper generated RAPD dendrogram based on the similarity coefficient.

 I think what I’m doing is correct, but I was confusing now.

I wish molecular scientists or who had experience in RAPD study need me to clarify it.

Thank you.

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