Dear Supantha Paul, I am reading your 2016 paper "Weakening of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall due to Change in LULC". I also read the recent reports about a recent increasing trend in seasonal ISMR since 2002 (Jin and Wang, 2017, in Nature Climate Change; and the commentary on that paper written by Mathew Roxy.

If you don't mind, I would like to ask whether you agree that ISMR has shown an increasing trend since 2002 and, if so, whether LULC could be part of the explanation.

My interest in these subjects is that I was asked to prepare a review of literature about projected future trends in flows and peak flows in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna watersheds, to inform some research taking place in Bangladesh.

Incidentally, in a previous literature review I did for Brazil, I found the paper by Goessling and Reick (2011) ( to be very insightful, exploring 3 mechanisms by which forests influence precipitation: a) moisture recycling, b) local coupling, and c) circulation.

In particular, item (c), the influence of forests on atmospheric circulation, and the Hadley-Walker circulation in particular, is a fascinating subject.

I would be grateful for a reply to my question. Thank you very much and best regards,


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