This question may be asked to Yiming Xuan in relation to further research on his contributed article " Effect of temperature on performance of nanostructured silicon thin-film solar cells".
It is not that I am answering this question which I posed a few months back. Today I got an interesting paper which probably should generate a lot of interests in solar cell materials researchers. Please take a look at the attached paper. This paper research and simulation work is based on 200 K to 400 K substrate temperature solar cell response characteristics. Please pay attention to Figures 3, 6 and 7. Jsc is decreased at 200 K or lower temperature than 300 K but Voc is increased substantially at 200 K or lower T. From Figure 7 it is evident that fill factor and efficiency are highest at 200 K or similar lower substrate temperature. This at least answers my question to a whole degree that die temperature reduction lower than 300 K can be a potent optimizing factor in enhancing efficiency of solar cells.