Hi everyone. I have performed a qPCR of OCT4, BMP4, ABCG2, CK3 gene and GAPDH as a reference gene. After I run all my samples, I just realized that NTC for OCT4 and CK3 showing Cq value but not the rest. Then I perform a qPCR for NTC only to all my primers. Only OCT4 and CK3 that showed Cq values. I was using primer design from previous student in my lab.
I contacted the supplier, they said it can be a contamination or a dimer. I believe is not the contamination. because I order two box, and i run the qPCR for NTC only for those 2 box, and the results is consistent. only OCT4 that showed a Cq value.
My question is can I still use the qPCR results of the OCT4?the data seems okay. some samples show high relative expression, some lower. Some showed higher Cq values compared to the NTC.