Hi all,

This is regarding using Reverse Phase High pH Fractionation Cartridges being provided by Thermo.

We are planning to use these cartridges for Fractionation before submitting iTRAQ labled samples to Mass Spec. Has anyone used these cartridges with iTRAQ samples. The Sheet provided by Themo says it can be ideally used fractionate any complex mixtured sample, however the manual shows separate protocols for unlabled and TMT labeled samples; which creates a dilemma in mind that will it work fine with iTRAQ lablled samples.

Theroritically, I agree that one can use this cartridges for sample lablled with iTRAQ reagent as well. However I wanted to know following

1. has anyone tried out it

2. did it work well and

3. if yes did you have to modify the elution or the same as provided in sheet worked well.

4. if you modified, can you share modifications done in protocol.



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