I'm using poly-L-ornithine solution and fibronectin to coat plates for LUHMES cells. Since poly-L-ornithine is a little expensive, can I re-use the solution after the coating to coat more plates later? Thanks a lot in advance!
Absolutely! We routinely save and re-use for several times. Just keep a note of how many times on the bottle and open a fresh one every so often. There's no hard and fast rule to it, sometimes for 10+ uses and the cells still adhere fine. It's the laminin or anything extra you may coat with on top that is more sensitive than the poly-ornithine. (I culture mouse and human ESC/iPSCs-neural derivatives on this, they are super sensitive to changes in environment). Good luck
In addition to PLO and fibronectin, has anyone tried coating the plates with anything extra like PDL, laminin or matrigel? When we grow the LUHMES neurons on glass coverslips that lift off very easy.