Hello. I am analyzing the absorption characteristics of NIR cyanine dyes through TD-DFT calculations.

By the way, I got the following result from the TD-DFT calculation, and I would like to ask for advice on how to interpret it.

The calculation result is as follows


Gaussian 16 was used, with the calculation settings:

#p td=(singlets,nstates=15) b3lyp/6-311+g(d,p) scrf=(iefpcm,solvent=dichloromethane) nosymm guess=save geom=allcheck polar

Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:

Excited state symmetry could not be determined.

Excited State 1: Singlet-?Sym 1.2706 eV 975.78 nm f=2.4436 =0.000

199 -> 200 0.70885

This state for optimization and/or second-order correction.

Total Energy, E(TD-HF/TD-DFT) = -2550.88173534

Copying the excited state density for this state as the 1-particle RhoCI density.

Excited state symmetry could not be determined.

Excited State 2: Singlet-?Sym 2.2697 eV 546.26 nm f=0.0219 =0.000

198 -> 200 0.51341

199 -> 201 0.48343

Excited state symmetry could not be determined.

Excited State 3: Singlet-?Sym 2.4599 eV 504.01 nm f=0.1044 =0.000

198 -> 200 -0.47864

199 -> 201 0.51181


I have 3 questions.

1. I know that the values next to the molecular orbital transitions are related with MO contribution. However, what exactly does the minus sign here ( 198 -> 200 -0.47864) mean?

2. The calculation result was obtained that molecular orbital 198 -> 200, 199 -> 201 are involved in the second and third excitation simultaneously, with similar contributions. Is this normal?

S2 f=0.022 H−1 → L (53%), H → L+1 (47%)

S3 f=0.104 H−1 → L (46%), H → L+1 (52%)

I mean, I would like to know whether my calculation results are scientifically "incorrect". (Similar results were obtained in other dyes series I am working on.)

3. How can I get the symmetry of singlet excited state? Are further calculation is needed, such as excited state optimization?

Thanks in advance for reading this long post.

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