One of the reviewers of the manuscript I'm working on with my colleagues, requires from us to present Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data separate for opportunity driven entrepreneurship and necessity driven entrepreneurship, also to compare them for developed and underdeveloped countries.

From my point of understanding of reviewer's demands, I have lots of questions, but the few of them are the main.

First of all, is there in GEM the outlook of opportunity driven entrepreneurship and necessity driven entrepreneurship - the data separate for opportunity and necessity driven entrepreneurship?

If it's not a case, if there is no separate outlook of opportunity and necessity driven entrepreneurship, is it necessary for me to derivate (or integrate, or...) the information from the other data? Which the data I must use? How to do that (derivation, integration...), to perform this?

After that, is there a general outlook of (the data separate for) opportunity driven entrepreneurship and necessity driven entrepreneurship, that points to the developed and underdeveloped economies (the developed and underdeveloped countries)? Or the outlook of data which I could use to compare the developed and underdeveloped countries in this situation?

If it's not a case, is it necessary for me to find the information on opportunity driven and necessity entrepreneurship (if available?) for each country separately (let's say SEE countries vs developed countries in Europe), and then integrate (or derivate, or...) them for some further analysis? In that case, how can I perform this process?

I'm very appreciate for any help I can get. Thanks.

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