Citation: Gonzales, M.J., and Massari, J.R. (2012). Metabolic Correction: A Functional Explanation of Orthomolecular medicine. Journal of Othomolecular Medicine, 27(1).

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In the above cited review, Michael J. Gonzales and Jorge R. Massari review the theoretical framework of what they call “Metabolic Correction” derived from the works and concepts of Roger J. Williams (Genetrophic Disease), Linus C. Pauling (Orthomolecular Medicine), Jeffrey S. Bland (Functional Medicine), and Bruce N. Ames (Triage Theory) . They state, “The key idea of orthomolecular medicine is that genetic factors affect not only the physical characteristics of individuals, but also their biochemical milieu. Biochemical pathways of the body have significant genetic variability, and diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia or depression are associated with specific biochemical abnormalities, which are causal or contributing factors of the illness.”

After an historical review of the concepts and explanation of their practical application, they conclude that: “We need to abandon outdated paradigms of nutrient intake merely to prevent deficiencies and [instead] expand them to prevent chronic diseases and achieve optimal health with metabolic correction.”

Our colleagues on Research Gate come from so many varied perspectives in their work, from nutrition to genetics, biochemistry to medicine; it would be interesting to discuss the merits of the concept of Metabolic Correction from these varying perspectives. Thank you.

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