In art therapy, an image is worth a thousand words. It is therefore perfect for students who can't speak out their trauma and other psychological issues. Can art therapy ever replace school counselling?
No one therapy can be the solution to all problems. The personalities are not made that way. Counselors are flexible, they watch for openings from many clues given by the client. Art is a way to learn clients story and great release for anxiety. But as an artist and a counselor, I would have to say no.
لا يمكن في عملية الارشاد الاقتصار على نظرية واحدة او طريقة واحدة او اسلوب واحد حتى وان كانت لمشكلة واحدة لنفس الموقف او الحالة لان الذات تكون مختلفة والمجال النفسي والاجتماعي يكون مختلف , كما ان العلاج بالفن قد يؤدي الى حل المشكلة في الظرف الراهن , ولكن هل نضمن ان هذا العلاج لا يكون مسببا لمشاكل للحالة في المستقبل
Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that utilises art and artistic mediums to help people explore their thoughts and emotions in a unique way. The idea behind this type of therapy is to use art as a primary means of communication, something that can be useful for those who find it difficult to verbalise their feelings. Being practical and using physical objects, such as paintbrushes and paper, often helps people to feel more connected to the world around them While the Counselling in Schools Service (CISS) provides Counselling and Arts Therapy in a variety of schools and community settings across Hertfordshire to promote the emotional health and well-being of children and young people aged 5 – 19 years (up to 21 years for Care Leavers).
Hi, I agree with many of the previous submissions in that the domain of therapeutic intervention as a human experience is varied and complex, requiring a diverse set of responses, dependent on each recipient (and practitioner). Some will utilise the domain of talking therapies very well whilst others will embrace non verbal therapeutic approaches. My preference would be to have a variety of approaches available so the 'right fit' can be utilised. This might also mean using a combination of approaches within each therapeutic encounter which is often the case i.e. practice based / systemic use of therapeutic modalities taken from evidence based approaches. I would be curious about the relationship between the use of verbal and non verbal approaches to psychological healing. How might they constrain or give access to greater engagement or transformation?
I don't think so. School counselling has a long term effect on the future of the students. It should not be substituted for art therapy. They both have their importance.
I think the delusional bridge we do fall off from is that the new can always or most often substitute the old. No, the old has its advantages. While the new might be superior, it may not be sufficient to substitute the old.