from FTIR spectra, various peaks corresponds to diffrent group (or) compound (or) element. for example, C-O, C=O, C-N bonds corresponds to which region in the spectra can be found. in short elucidation of structure is possible using FTIR spectra.
there are various books available to understand the basics and to confirm the results literatures are helpful.
IR and Raman are both vibrational spectroscopy techniques. The only thing which is common between the two is to study the vibrations of atoms in the molecules. The selections rules are different. IR is used to study the functional groups and polar bonds. Like in some materials in the symmetric mode there is no change in dipole moment this material is IR inactive, While polarizibilty fluctuates thus Raman active.
I have made many puplications in the applications of both FTIR and FT-Raman Specrtoscopic techniques. In these papers, you can find the assignments of different vibrational bands for some organic and inorganic materials.You are most welcome if any assistance. Mousa A. Allam
I have measured FTIR and Raman for my oxide samples. But the Raman results have only 5% of Intensity. It is 10 times lower than that of FTIR results. Any body can explain it. If any procedure to prepare the sample for Raman measurements.