you can use either passive or active technologies.
active would be faster but would require a constant operational cost as compared to passive technologies. fans, airconditioning etc would be some active technologies. in passive you can modify the pan material, provide latent cooling etc.
Here we can find two convective heat transfer coefficients. 1. Between surface of pan and milk, 2. surface of milk and open environment.
Regarding the second heat transfer coefficient, i hope Abdur Rehman Mazhar suggestions can be considered.
To increase the effect of first heat transfer coefficient, just stir the milk slowly in the pan so that there also forced convection happens between pan and milk.
Also do not stir the milk in particular direction. It will increase the boundary layer thickness sa it happens to be a laminar circular flow. Instead when we stir the milk turbulence occurs in the milk so that the boundary layer gets distorted and its thickness reduces and hence heat transfer occurs more effectively.