I have tried a number of extraction methods with no success, but I am not sure whether my technique is not good or there is insufficient DNA in the sample.
Immerse the formalin-fixed samples in TE buffer for at least 2 hours or longer (e.g. overnight) before starting the DNA extraction? What is the purpose of it? What TE buffer will do?
I don't know if your ever tried it but the MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit from epicentre seems to work according to my collegues.... so it could be a solution
Using most of commercial kits, incubation with proteinase K is at 56ºC for 1-2h. Try to incubate instead over night (at 56ºC). Add 10 ul more of proteinase K next morning and incubate for an additional hour at 56ºC (all times with shaking). Thereafter follow the recommended protocol. So you should be able to obtain DNA for PCR from an even very small sample. DNA extracted from wax embedded tissue may have a very bad quality, note to amplify small fragments (no more than 250 bp).
I always use Qiagen Micro Amp kit. One thing I do is extend the protease incubation overnight. Always get way better quantity and purity than with a 3 hour incubation. Also do your self a favour and remove most of the wax before the xylene step. This improves 260/230 ratio.
Immerse the formalin-fixed samples in TE buffer for at least 2 hours or longer (e.g. overnight) before starting the DNA extraction? What is the purpose of it? What TE buffer will do?