11 February 2015 2 3K Report

Dear all:

In R, the glmer() function takes whatever it finds as the first value in the column for the dependent variable and calculates its coefficients for that value. However, if you are interested in getting coefficients for the other value, you might want to change that. Is there a way to do this?

For example:

I have a binary response Tipo, which can be S or P. I get coefficients for S, but I'm interested in coefficients for P. How do I do that? 

This is my formula:

glmer(Tipo~ Action.Chain.Pos + Tense + Pr.2.Pr + Co.2.Pr + prestsoc + (1 | Muestra) + (1 |nombrelema), data=data, family=binomial, contrasts="sum")

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