I want to have GCMs for the extraction of precipitation data for my study area. I have already analysed the GCMs by CMIP5 and now i want to analyse the GCMs by CMIP6
Which model ( Source ID) in CMIP6 should be used for long-term sea level prediction?? I searched many CMIP6 models, but they mostly return no result when it comes to yearly or even monthly data.
I am looking for high spatial (e.g., 0.1° x 0.1°) and temporal (daily or finer) resolution data based on CMIP6. Please, do you know some links from which I may download these data?
Is this place available to predict the future period of temperature and precipitation variables (sub-basin of the watershed) based on the sixth IPCC report (SSP scenario), used SDSM and Lars - WG software for the downscaling the CMIP6 models?
1. For any frequency (hourly, daily, monthly..etc): Create an account and access any CMIP6 products in this portal( https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/projections-cmip6?tab=overview).
2. For Monthly: Here is another easily accessible repository. https://climexp.knmi.nl/selectfield_cmip6.cgi?id=someone@somewhere
3. R-Package: hllauca/RClimChange: A package to manipulate Global Climate Models from NCCS THREDDS NEX-GDDP-CMIP6.
# Download daily precipitation (in mm/d) from the BCC-CSM2-MR model; for 1990 and the Tana Basin, Ethiopia