My background is in mental health, however I am new to the study of asthma. What are the key conversations regarding the interaction of these two elements should I get myself up to speed on?
Bienenstock J (ed): Allergy and the Nervous System. Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2012, vol 98, pp 1–13. Relations between Asthma and Psychological Distress: An Old Idea Revisited by Ryan J. Van Lieshout Glenda M. MacQueen
Asthma and Mental Health Among Youth: Etiology, Current Knowledge, and Future Directions by Renee D. Goodwin et al. Expert Rev Resp Med. 2012;6(4):1-10.
Asthma and psychological dysfunction by Mike Thomas et al. Prim Care Respir J 2011; 20; doi:10.4104/pcrj.2011.00058
Asthma and depression: a pragmatic review of the literature and recommendations for future research by Melissa Opolski and Ian Wilson. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 2005, 1:18 ([email protected])
I would recommend "Multidisciplinary Approach to Breathing Pattern Disorders by Leon Chaitow et al., and the literature he cited for the start. Patrick McKeown wrote good synthesis of overbreathing, mouth breathing and panic in asthma All literature he cited during his lecture I saw last summer in Ireland was very practical and gave me new insights.
On the epidemiology side, one of the important issues concerns the bidirectional (one could even say pluripotential) nature of the associations. As with many long-term medical conditions, asthma has mental health consequences. On the other hand, mood and anxiety disorders may increase the incidence of asthma (see General Hospital Psychiatry. Volume 30, Issue 5, Pages 407–413.).
Asthma and suicidal ideation with and without suicide attempts among adults in the United States: what is the role of cigarette smoking and mental disorders?
Clarke DE, Goodwin RD, Messias EL, Eaton WW.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008 May;100(5):439-46. doi: 10.1016/S1081-1206(10)60468-1.
I am researching this topic currently. PubMed, ScienceDirect, ERIC, and SpringerLink provide a comprehensive list of studies related to bronchial asthma and mental health (psychosocial aspects). Good luck.