My question is about Helmholtz Free Energy which is defined as: F = U - TS (1) where U is the internal energy, T is the temperature and S is the entropy. I have searched some literature to find out why it is called "free". The main reasoning is that "TS" is the thermal energy which is needed so our system with the temperature T and the entropy S can be created. If we subtract this term from the internal energy we would have all sorts of energy which could be extracted as work.

I reasoned with myself that "TS" is obtained from the relation "\Delta Q = T \Deltra S". Here the initial S_0 is 0 in "\Delta S" which is the entropy at the temperature zero.

\Delta Q = T (S-S_0) -> \Delta Q = TS (the thermal energy).

This relation is only for reversible processes where there is no dissipation. But in reality we have no reversible processes which questions the explanation in the first paragraph.

What I want to know is to see if the first explanation gave at first is correct or not.

My second question: can anyone justify the relation of the free energy? Why is it defined as equation (1)? Is it like a Legendre transformation to define an alternative form for internal energy not in term of S, but T?


What I understand from free energy:

The main purpose of introducing this alternative for the internal energy is to have an alternative for the principle of maximum entropy or its partner the principle of minimum energy which can be applied for a closed system including the subsystem, which we want to analyse, and its environment. With this alternative, free energy, we can only analyse the subsystem which is of our great interest. There is also another advantage: using this free energy we have omitted entropy from our equation which is of great interest for practical purposes.

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