I have a set of data which each time instant varies with x and y location and then also varies over time periodically. I wish to average this dataset over the period. Can someone suggest how to do it?
Try with the first differencing filter which keep only the high frequencies and throw up the periodicity. It will keep the fluctuations over the periodicity. What is the periodicity ? (hourly, daily, seasonally etc)
Thanks for your reply sir. Actually I have a porous media liquid infiltration data and the periodicity is in micro seconds as pore size is in microns. Presently I did fourier series data fit for my data. I am sorry I made a mistake in my question. Actually I wish to have time variable periodic fit eqn. But in one of my fit error at some instants is above 40 % although R-Squared value is 0.87 for the fit. I am using 8th terms in fourier series. Please suggest some way to minimise error.
1) I suppose that you have a set of "N" points in an X-Y "plane", and in each point [xk;yk] a phenomena succed in an "occurrence time" tk. Also, the N values in the series tk results periodic in time, with period "T".
2) The average of the entire tk set can be realized by the "arithmetic mean" = SUM(tk) / N, and its standard deviation SIGMA = SQRT(VARIANCE) calculated from VARIANCE = - ()2 as usual. This average represents the complete set of N points, which can cover several periods T.
3) If you need averaging points belonging only to "one" period, first you need to identify a subset of "n" t-values within the period, and perform the averages summing over n-points instead of summing over N-points as in 2).
4) In both situations, the averaging can be performed if the data are evenly-spaced in time or not.
5) ¿Perhaps do you want to calculate an average "vector" ? If it is the case, the average "vector" is calculated as = [:], and a similar procedure as before can be used for the "variance-vector".