14 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bharat bhushan Sharma
Hi I am performing optimization of an assembly in ansys. I need to optimize 1st modal frequency of each part as well as deformation of entire assembly. How can I assign identical value to common...
21 August 2022 5,929 0 View
I am building diode laser pumped Nd:YAG laser of 4 kW power output. I need for this: Diode lasers (25 - 100 W) Optical elements Mounts for Laser Diodes and Optical elements Optical Fibers (200...
28 August 2021 5,272 2 View
Dear All, I am presently doing my PhD in India. And I wish to learn more of advanced numerical methods. Does any one have idea where can I do some short-term(3 to 6 months) in Computational...
19 February 2015 2,694 12 View
Dear All, I am facing trouble handling convective flux in a scalar transport equation for two-phase flow along wall boundary. Some wall boundary cells have low density and viscosity while the rest...
17 January 2015 4,774 12 View
I have a set of data which each time instant varies with x and y location and then also varies over time periodically. I wish to average this dataset over the period. Can someone suggest how to do it?
24 April 2014 7,179 4 View
I was wondering if interfacial tension term equivalent to surface tension in microscale(at liquid gas interface) exists at the macroscopic scale? Kindly share your knowledge with me regarding...
15 February 2014 1,152 6 View
I am trying to simulate evaporation in unsaturated porous wicks. I have run two set of simulations with different geometries and have incorporated symmetry B.C inside porous region. But behavior...
11 February 2014 2,870 3 View
I wish to do 3D boiling simulation using VOF model. For that I need to know the direction split algorithm in 3D on cartesian grids. Also I need to use the least squares volume-of-fluid interface...
25 November 2013 7,684 4 View
I am well aware of Rudman algorithm's implementation in 2D cases. But how to go for 3D? Should we just have one more case for z-direction advection? or anything special?
10 November 2013 6,593 2 View
10 November 2013 5,750 1 View
Any reference paper or hint would be of great help. I wish to model capillary force term in porous wick. But am unable to do so as I am not aware of how to implement it. Should we modify...
08 November 2013 4,130 3 View
There is no explanation written in header files and there seem to be useful macros such as those in neighbour.h header files.
07 October 2013 4,529 2 View
Fluent has its own porous media model wherein they introduce a darcy sink term in momentum equation. But it does not take into account pore size and thus modeling two-phase flow is difficult. For...
26 September 2013 9,354 1 View
I wish to work on simulation on MER [Doshi et al.(2002)]. But I am unable to find any lead or latest work on this. If anybody on Research Gate is aware of any latest development on MER or related...
01 September 2013 3,479 2 View