The problem is the following one:

Assuming a cylindrical cavity. Excitation used is the 2D distribution of electric field of TM mode (E_rho and E_phi components only) driven by a sinusoidal function. Excitation is located at z=0. There is no PML presence in the structure and walls behave like PEC, thus it behaves like a cylindrical cavity. The source is implemented as a hard source meaning that the field is not calculated at source plane but explicitly set according to the excitation scheme. Because source is fed constantly (continuous sine rather than a pulse) it's expected power to be concentrated (due to reflections) in the cavity which can be seen as a rise in amplitude of the time signal.

In my simulations, there is not such a rise in amplitude for the signal on the other end (the transverse area opposite to the one of excitation) of the waveguide, but the amplitude is bounded between two values.

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