I have recently got some problem with my 2-D gels. Please check the attached gel pics for details. I have used 2-D clean-up kit (Biorad) to remove the impurities from the sample. I think there should be some problem with the second dimension. But I have tried to run several gels at one time with different concentrations of SDS (used upto 0.6% SDS in the running buffer for second dimension). The uploaded 2D gel picture with tear fall effect was run with 1xTris-Glycine buffer (0.1% SDS). When I have increased the SDS concentration to 0.6%, the “tear fall effect” got decreased (but at the higher molecular weight region it still persists). I am also uploading an old gel for reference. For running old gel, I have used only 0.1% SDS in running buffer. So I wonder from where this problem came suddenly?.

Procedure used for the run

17cm IPG strips, pH 4-7.

Protein samples isolated from PBMCs

Loading concentration used 800 microgram.(Protein samples were prepared using 2 D clean up kit from Biorad)

Equilibration buffer used with 2% SDS for 45 minutes

Running buffer used -Laemlli SDS electrophoresis buffer (25mM Tris base, 192mM glycine, 0.2% SDS). To rectify the problem, I have increased the SDS concentration upto 0.6%.

Instrument used for second dimension PROTEAN II system (biorad).

Second dimensional running conditions- 85V (constant), 20Hrs.

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