Thanks for the advice. The file I'm working with is huge, therefore the str function provides a truncated output. I've checked the source file for all variables - there are no missing data here.
I've also tried running with na.omit, I get a similar error message.
Catch 22 is that MuMIn won't run if I don't specify an na.function.
Sometimes has happend to me that the functions related to NA (i.e. na.omit,, na.exclude..) have modified the type of object to be analyzed causing errors. If this has happened to you maybe that is the reason why MuMIn is not working properly. You said you already have checked there are no NAs in your data (You could use function to check again your data, you will have an “True of False” answer). If the answer is false you were right about NAs and I do know what may be causing the error… (sorry!). If the answer is “True” you could try to remove “NA” by using na.omit , for instance, but make sure the data still preserve the type of object you need (e.g. data frame, matrix …).
I guess at this point I wold systematically omit variables from the full model and see if it runs at all and in this process ID the variable that is likely bombing this model.
Thanks Gema - didn't know about the function so I've learned something there!
Jason - I think that's a good idea. I'll try and generate a simpler source file with only the details I'm interested in and then perform as you suggest. Coffee will likely be my friend!
Thanks both for the suggestions - much appreciated :)
Did you manage to figure out what was going on? I'm getting exactly the same error message even though I have no NAs, the glm runs without any problems, and the script previously ran without this error. I can't find any solutions online. I'd really appreciate any tips, this is driving me crazy!
It's my first post on researchgate. I have the same error message, even though I have any NAs. So i used the command in the original lm() model and then used the "dredge" function. It works well now, no error message, nevertheless I don't understand why I must specify this option if I haven't any NA in my data and what is its impact on the model.avg results?
I wrote a function to set the parameters correctly and to dredge models in parallel, drastically reducing the time it takes to dredge a model. Here's the script, you can run it by entering the following code (with the correct parameters; notice the quotes around the data and model object names).