I have been trying to label one protein which I purified recently. And I am facing a lot of troubles. I will describing my process in details. And I will be highly obliged to receive any suggestion.

My protein is stable as a dimer and the monomer mass is 19.2 kDa. I want to label it with a Cy5-malemide dye at a Cys residue. However, the rick is I want one Cy5 label per dimer.

I am using TRIS buffer, maintaining the pH around 7.2. As a reducing agent I have TCEP in the buffer (almost 50-100x compared to the dimer concentration). I do take care in maintaining degassed environment.

I have tried different protein(dimer):dye ratio from 1:3 to 1:6.

I do the reaction for 2 hours in room temperature and then overnight at 4C.

But always I get a labeling efficiency of 50%. As you can understand that is way below what I desire and I really need suggestions how to improve.

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