My ‘MS-compatible Silver-stained’ protein bands produced high quality MALDI-TOF/TOF spectra (many decent peaks with strong signals at both the MS and MSMS level), but are unable to match any proteins from its own Species/Genus.
The entire sample processing and mass-spec workflow should be alright as other samples (from popular species) produced significant matches with high scores.
At the Species level, my samples are from a bacteria with a complete proteome in Uniprot; whilst up to the Genus level, there are at least millions of protein entries.
I have tried various other approaches, but there is no improvement in the match:
(1) Mascot searches against protein and EST databases, respectively;
(2) Mascot ERROR tolerant search;
(3) De novo peptide sequencing then MS-BLAST
Should I go for a Mascot search against its genome? or What could be the possible reason behind?