I'm currently working with an aquatic plant. I want to extract and isolate polyhydroxy alkaloids from it. My problem is that I'm afraid that I have done a big mistake. I dried the plant and crushed it into powder. Then I extracted it by soaked in 100% methanol and 50% aqueous methanol for 4 times. From TLC result, there is separation with 100% methanol but not very good. The TLC solvent system is ethanol:water:acetic acid (9.5:0.5:0.1) and I used C-18 silica plate. Then I analyzed with GC-MS using MSTFA in pyridine by this condition : column BP5MS, initial program 50 degC (hold 1 min), increase to 300 degC at rate 5 degC/min and held 5 min at 300 degC. The result showed alkaloid (but the highest was d-tert-leucine) and none of polyhydroxy alkaloids. My question is :

1. Is it ok if I dried my plant materials? Did it affect the polyhydroxy alkaloid compounds? Unluckily, I didn't have any fresh material left. T_T...

2. Did my extraction method ok? Does there any solvent system for TLC besides I used in order to get better separation thus further use for column chromatography?

3. Does anyone have best/optimum operating condition for GC-MS analysis using MSTFA in pyridine for polyhydroxy alkaloids in details?

Attached below the picture of separation using solvent system that I used. Thank you for your time and kindness by helping me. =)

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