I want to extract unknow dipeptides from high salt solution. My peptide is in very dilute concentration about 100ng/ml with total volume in 10ml. I am planing for SPE but confused about the selection of methodology used.
If you load the aqeuous solution to the C18 SPE, you analyte which is more non-polar than salt should stick. The salt is very soluble in water and would not stay on the SPE. Rinse the SPE with water while concentratining the target analyte on the SPE, then elute it off with solvent.
I would also use those C18 SPE but I would equilibrate first with 0.1% TFA in H2O, as long as ur peptides are okay under acidic conditions (if they regular amino acids they should be okay with acid). My experience tells me that with acid u will get much better recover of those dipeptides, if not, u might have problems with the elution of them.
Depending upon the salt concentration you may opt for freeze drying all the sample and then extact peptide in a small volume using standard liquid extract methods.