On roughly a third of my immunoblots, I see these small spots (indicated by red arrows) after I develop the membrane. It doesn't happen every time and I never change my protocol. When it does happen, it appears to be a completely random pattern that never covers the entire membrane. To this point, I haven’t been able to find any information on the cause of this. Some background information on my protocol:

I use the Life XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell Electrophoresis System for PAGE and transfer. I make my own bis-tris (generally) gels and have observed the spots after transfering 6%, 8%, 10% and 15% resolving phase gels run in TGS, MES, MOPS and tricine buffers. It likely isn't the electrophoresis conditions as the spots do not appear with Coomassie staining. Note: samples I run are mammalian brain fractions and are in a very simple, detergent-free buffer. I then wet transfer for 2 hours at 50V constant (always) in the following buffer:

3.03g Tris / 14.4g glycine / 800ml ddH2O / 200ml methanol

Transfer is onto brand new Bio-Rad nitrocellulose membranes with a pore size of 0.45um. The sponge pads and blotting papers (extra-thick) are also from Life and are brand new. After transfer:

-Rinse blot for 5 min in warm PBS

-Block for 1 hr in Li-Cor Odyssey Blocking Buffer

-Primary antibody incubation in Li-Cor Odyssey Blocking Buffer with 0.15% Tween-20 overnight

-Wash 4x15 min in PBST

-Secondary antibody incubation in Li-Cor Odyssey Blocking Buffer with 0.15% Tween-20/0.01% SDS for 45 min

-Wash 2x15 min in PBST, 1x5 min in PBS

I then immediately develop the blot using the Odyssey Infrared system. The spots seem to be more prominent in the 700nm channel, but that may be because this channel has slightly more background in our lab rending the spots more visible than the 800nm channel.

I have Ponceau stained the membrane after transfer and the spots are not apparent. I have also Ponceau stained a membrane this didn't have protein transferred to it (i.e. transfer an empty gel). I rarely have any bubbles on the membrane so I highly doubt there is any fuzz or anything in between the gel and membrane (this is what I initially though the issue was).

Has anyone observed similar spots on their membranes after developing? It is very frustrating because it doesn't happen every time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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