second one: why not asclepiadaceae ? Isn't it that Capparaceae usually have a shorter fruit ? It would be good to have a focus on the fruit to see if there is a gynophore.
The second plant has shape of fruit as seen in Asclepiadaceae/Apocynaceae and Capparidaceae........ Is there presence of milky/whitish and somehow sticky exudate? Then suspect Asclepiadaceae/Apocynanceae: Leptadenia spp. etc.... If no exudate, query Capparidaceae as suggested by Dr Singh....
Make use of your the identification keys in your local Flora
Meanwhile I have checked the Flora Iranica treatment of Asclepiadaceae by Rechinger (1970). According to this treatment, Cionura erecta (= Marsdenia erecta) does occur in the Isfahan (Esfahan) region.
The first one seems to be Vitex sp. as mentioned by some researchers. We have Vitex trifoliata growing in sand dunes in the sea beaches of our country.