10 October 2014 1 959 Report

I have a problem with how to test the difference of two models, one is a unconstrained model, the other one is constrained, with a variable (or more) coefficient forced to be equal. The code is as following:

* assign the survey design

svyset [w=weights12], psu(sdmvpsu) strata (sdmvstra)

*Set constraints

constraint 1 [1=2]:hyperchol

constraint 2 [1=2]:hypertension

*unconstrained model

svy: mlogit db_cat hypertension hyperchol

*preserve the unconstrained model

estimates store unconstrained

*constrained model

svy: mlogit db_cat hypertension hyperchol, constraints(1)

*test the significance between constrained and unconstrained model.

lrtest unconstrained


So when I use lrtest, of course it is error, "lrtest is not appropriate with survey estimation results". But how to use test to do this comparison? I searched for this but most of posts are about set coefficient to 0, not equal between two models.

I need the code to do the similar thing( comparison between models) like the lrtest when there is no survey design. 

Thank you very much!

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