when one have to resolve the flow phenomenon around the cylinder at higher Reynolds number a researcher go for this kind of mesh generation (see Fig), so while creating this kind of mesh what are the important point one should keep in his\her mind?
Dear Deepak, if you use an orthogonal grid, then you cannot refine the mesh in your region of interest, unless you refine it along the whole X- (or Y-) direction. In this case, the cross-shaped refinement comes from the attempt of obtaining a more accurate mesh around the cylinder. Fortuitously, this leads to a finer mesh in the region (horizontal axis of the domain) where most structures of the solution occur. On the other hand, the refinement in the upper/lower left part of the domain only follows the refinement in the cylinder zone.
Thank you so much Roberto Ferretti sir for your quick response,
Sir, what one can do for better mesh in the vicinity of the cylinder where the majorly flow phenomenon happens?? I have attached here a fig showing mesh around the cylinder. I just want to know whether this kind of mesh acceptable for further simulation?
This mesh will capture the boundary layer around the cylinder, but it will not capture the vortex shedding and the wake in the far field downstream of the cylinder. Consequently the simulation result on this particular mesh will not capture all fluid flow phenomena of interest.
But you have not spoken so far here in your question about:
Sir, In my case I want capture the vortex shedding phenomenon static circular/elliptic cylinder in unconfined flow at Re = 100, along with this I also want to observe the drag, lift and Strouhal number. Please add your answer for this particular problem.