Hi Jubyeong. Yes a COSY will help. But even without it there are some problems. 6 and 7 should be coupling with each other so the coupling should be the same. There should also be a coupling between 2 and 3. If you assign 2.4 Hz to 3, then 2 should show the same split. Why would 2 be so broad?
Also, thank you for your answer Clemens, but I couldn't find a same split between 2 and 3. Can this would be happen? Also, could 6 be splitted by peak of 7? I know that amide peak could split but it was shown broad.
If 7 is the CH between the phenyl rings and 6 is the NH next to it then there should be a spin spin coupling between the two. Both signals should show the same coupling constant. the same is true for 2 and 3. It is possible that the coupling is not visible on the broad signal. Did you colelct a cosy?