I can't think of a typical allergic response or allergic disease would raise blood pressure. However, the medication for treating allergic symptoms may cause elevation of blood pressure. The examples are chronic use of corticosteroid either in inhaler form or systemic drug. Also, decongestants or alpha adrenergic agents in the form of inhaler or systemic drug could potentially cause elevation of blood pressure.
I can't think of a typical allergic response or allergic disease would raise blood pressure. However, the medication for treating allergic symptoms (systemic corticosteroids, decongestants) may cause elevation of blood pressure.
Thanks for sharing your publication. Your series is indeed very unusual in which 12. 8% was reported to have hypertension during anaphylaxis. I offer two comments:1) why you said 89.1%, the majority, still presented hypotension in your series was not standard form of anaphylaxis? 2). Please show us in the future the data on the list of vasoactive compounds that were released during anaphylaxis, so we would know which is more important and its cause-effect relationship.