Dear All,

Librarians, Professors, Research Scholars, and Practitioners, we are in the process of editing a forthcoming publication entitled “Handbook of Research on Innovative Approaches to Information Technology in Library and Information Science” to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit your proposal for consideration of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter.

Please visit more details regarding this publication and to submit your work.

If you have a full chapter of at least 7200 words and no more than 10,000 words than use this link

You can also find detailed manuscript formatting and submission guidelines at If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the editors.

Topics can include the following.

library & information science research, information technology, machine learning, data science, robotics cyber security, metadata, data &visualization research, robotics, information management,

Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and I hope to hear from you by July 26, 2023



Keshav Sinha


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