Cohen's d can be calculated from ANCOVA, using the following formula (presented in Borenstein M. Effect sizes for continuous data. In: The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis. 2nd ed. 2009):
d = ( F × (n1+n2) / (n1×n2) ) × SQRT(1 - R2)
What is the R in this formula? Is it bivariate correlation? Or partial correlation (partial eta squared)? Or even part correlation (classic eta squared; i.e. proportion of variance explaned by the covariate)?
I reviewed ANCOVA formula to see whether could I find which one; which didn't help with the asnwer, but may explain the question better:
The ebove mentioned formula has two parts: the first is the same formula for dalculating d from ANOVA (without any covariate). The second part seems to be the part that we count for the adjustment in ANCOVA. In ANCOVA when we did the adjustments, we increased the F, and now it seems that in this formula we want to count for it.
In ANCOVA (with two groups), we use two correlations to adjust for SSs:
First we use bivariate (zero-order) correlation to adjust for SStotal (i.e. SSt[adj] = SSt[un-adj] × (1 - R2));
And a partial correlation (partialling out variations due to grouping factor) to adjust for SSresid (i.e. SSresid[adj] = SSresid[un-adj] × (1 - R2)).
Therfore, when we calculate the F, the denominator is adjusted by bivariate correlation and in the numerator by both partial and bivariate correlations, as MSeffect is MStotal (adjusted by bivariate correlation) minus MSerror (adjusted by partial correlation).
So, which kind of correlation should be used in the formula for calculating cohen's d?
Thanks for your time.