
I am working on a project that uses HPLC to investigate the presence and speciation of vanadium in environmental samples. I have used vanadium standard and pre-treated my samples before injecting them into the column. I am using MeOH: Water (50:50). I normally let MeOH: Water (30:70) flow at a rate of 0.5 ml/minutes for sometime before injecting my sample.

 So far the qualitative part of the study is fine. My challenge now is the quantification, I feel that when running more than one sample in the same day, there is a contamination. Which means that the calculated concentration of sample2 will be affected by the previous sample1.

My questions are:

1- what can I do to ensure that the peak I am getting is from the sample and not from a previous run? (When I run the blanc, a peak from vanadium standard for example is still there)

2- Shall I wash the column after running each sample? and what can I use for the washing process and for how long?

3- would it be ok to run more than one type of samples in one day? (seawater samples and soil samples. Or seawater at different pH)

In general what I can do to avoid contamination in my actual run from the previous run?

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