Dear All,
I'm looking for available literature data on concentrations of elements (in dry mass) in fresh and decomposed pine (P. sylvestris) litter, other litters, pine pollen (P. sylvestris), pollen of other anemophilous plants and organisms inhabiting forests floors (fungi, insects, molluscs, isopods, worms, millipedes, detritivores, various litter- and soil- dwellers, protozoans etc.). C concentration is of greatest importance for me, since it was rarely reported as % of C in dry matter (surprisingly, concentrations of other elements are easier to find). Also N and P are of great importance. Data on any other element would also be great. I've already found some literature but it is surprisingly scarce, so I will appreciate any additional data. If you know any paper related to the topic, please put a link below. Thank you in advance for your time and help!
Kind regards,
Michał Filipiak