We are investigating lymphoma in the ME using our Iraqi Kurdistan database, individual published papers from the region, and national cancer registries from Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The WHO maintains an excellent world registry (IICC-3) for childhood cancers, including specific types of NHL. But I am having difficulty finding information on adult BL. Adult BL appears to be very uncommon in the Middle East, but it may be increasing as it currently accounts for about 20% of our BL. I cannot find any information on other countries of the ME and NA. I am particularly interested in Israel. Rates of childhood BL in Israel are high, but I can find no information on the rates of adult BL that should also be high if the epidemiology is simar to the US and Europe. I can also find no information on the seroprevalence of EBV except for one paper on male university students that would indicate a biphasic pattern of infection in early childhood and adolescence similar to that reported in Europe and N America. Can anyone point me to any resources to fill in the gaps?

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