I am looking for a trophoblast cell line from bovines. There is literature on BT-1 cell line, but I could not find a commerical source for it. If anyone has it, please write to me.
BT-1 seems to have never been distributed commercially. Your best bet to get it is to directly enquire with someone from the Hashizume group, most probably Kizaki: [email protected]
Your question made me realizer that BT-1 was not yet in the Cellosaurus. So I created a preliminary entry for it and it will be in the next release:
SY Bovine Trophoblast-1
RX PubMed=11504534;
RX PubMed=15613779;
RX PubMed=22632112;
RX PubMed=24950590;
CC Doubling time: ~2.72 days (in fibroblast-conditioned medium), ~2.97 days (in 10% FBS) (PubMed=11504534).
CC Omics: Transcriptome analysis.
OX NCBI_TaxID=9913; ! Bos taurus
AG Blastocyst stage
CA Finite cell line
Note that the same group also established 12 other bovine trophoblast cell lines: BT-A to BT-L in:
Article Bone morphogenetic protein-4 accelerates the establishment o...
So what is the best line to use may be something to discuss with them.