One unknown remedy for BPH seems to be hydroxy citrate.
Treating patients with diverse cancers with hydroxycitrate as an adjuvant treatment in lipogenic tumors, many patients who concomitantly had BPH found that they were urinating much better since they started this medication. At the present I do not know which is the mechanism involved.
Due to the lack of side effects or toxicity I think hydroxycitrate should be tested for BPH. Recommended starting dose 100 mg twice a day.
Soursop (Graviola) has possible antioxidant effect, and has continued to be used by individuals with family histories, and some with diagnosis of prostate cancer. Some of these patients take the fruit regularly, while some boil the leaves and drink the extract. Extracts fro the stem and fruits have been used by many.The fruit is low in calories and vitamins. A 3.5 ounce serving has been quoted to contain magnesium, thiamine, potassium, vitamin c, fiber, carbs, riboflavin and folate. Some studies have shown that it alleviates inflammation and slows cancer growth.
Currently, I am following up patients with histologically diagnosed prostate cancer who have clinically shown no evidence of tumor progression, while taking extracts (self medication) from this fruit and no other treatment so far, for their disease.