04 December 2018 3 749 Report

I am attempting to put a date to the emergence of a parasitic genus (Cuscuta) within a broader tree of species spanning the order Solanales using BEAST. In FigTree, there are the options to display node height and node age, which are identical except that I can scale node age using a user-inputted time scale. Node heights are in the range of about 0.080 to 0.004.

My question is how I should go about specifying that time scale? My preliminary settings in BEAUti included a prior distribution for the age of the common ancestor of Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae (mean = 66, range = about 48 - 86, in millions of years), and in my tree the corresponding node height is 0.0735. Would it be reasonable to simply set my time scale factor to 1000 to get a node age of 73.5 my (which is within the priors I set)?

It seems unlikely that I should be setting my time scale solely based on my previous ideas, because in that case I could more or less make the ages of my nodes anything I like. What would you suggest as a method of setting the time scale in BEAUti?

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