How are the autonomic regulation of the heart rate and other functions of the human body-the tone of the vessels, respiration, intestines, endocrine glands, etc., related to each other?
Hi, that's a big question. Each of these functions is related to the other in very specific ways, and then they are connected in an ascending hierarchy of systems engaged in a wide variety of functions. You may however find reading up on the central autonomic network helpful. This is the brain and nervous system structure that coordinates autonomic aspects of all these physiological functions.
Hi, Devid. Ok. This is ideal, but also quite difficult. I am interested in research on simultaneous registration of the functioning of autonomous regulation of various functions. For example, in conjunction with heart rate variability.
Again, this is a very broad area. Do you have a specific context you're studying or a specific research question you're interested in? That might help focus things.
I can tell you overall heart rate variability (HRV) is an excellent indicant of autonomic and global health. Typically, if HRV is reduced it's a sign of broader problems in other systems regulated by the central autonomic network and its autonomic nervous system, and in the organism more generally.
Evgeny Vaschillo and Julian Thayer have one very helpful reviews on this topic. Also, the attached article might be helpful.