Hi everyone. for my project I need new model for creat traumatic barin injury. IS model autologous blood injections into the cisterna magna suitable for TBI?
autologous blood injection is more of a ischemic damage/stroke model. TBI models are more about an initial mechanical disruption to the brain that is followed by secondary biochemical sequelae promoting further damage and deficits. I recommended looking into the etiology stats of TBIs and going from there as to a new model.
It depends on your justification. In countries like Iran that car accidents are of prominent cause of brain trauma we use mechanical models like dropping a weight from an altitude on the skull. In Germany that the main cause of brain edema is stroke and hemorrhage the model of autologous blood injection is a better model for clinical application.
Thank you very much for your kind response with the details. Actually I, m agree with you but my supervisor said me that used of this model (dropping a weight from an altitude on the skull) is not method ethical, so I’m confused that how let me know to informed your reasons that can confuted my supervisor.
More than hundred papers have been published by this method in different Journals with high impact factors. The animal is anesthetized before weight drop.