09 September 2017 12 647 Report

Using the highly crossabsorbed 2nd antibody "Alexa goat anti rabbit(or mouse) 647" I can detect for example Olig2 or PDGFRa in the mouse cortex (after applying a specific primary antibody - of course), BUT: the corpus callosum shines so bright, that I am unable to identify positive cells there. I co-stained at the same time with the "Alexa goat anti rabbit(or mouse) 488" and I could see the staining in both, Cortex and cc, since the cc doesn´t shine at all in the green channel. Any suggestions (I tried SudanBlack already - no improvement)? And yes, I need to stain it in far-red. Also, I am not sure 100% wether it´s an antibody problem or an autofluorescence problem - I´ll check by using no 2nd antibody but I am pretty sure it´s a matter of autofluorescence.

The excitation wave length is 633nm.

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